Guidelines for Manuscripts
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Submission of Manuscripts
- Text, title page and abstract should be sent as an unencoded e-mail attachment in a single PDF or Word file to;
figures and tables should be embedded in the main file.
- The submission of a PDF file is sufficient for review purposes.
- Authors who do not wish to reveal their identity to the reviewers may submit a blinded version of their manuscript. A separate title page with all identifying information is then also required.
- In the event that you do not receive an acknowledgment from us within one working week, convert your paper to a PDF
and upload it using the upload form. Please be sure to enter all the information requested.
- When initially submitting a manuscript by email, please inform yourself about the
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General Editing Suggestions
- Language: English
- Length: 15 20 pages ideal length (1,5 line spacing, excluding references), maximum 35 pages (approx. 18,000 words)
- Authors' name(s) to be indicated below the paper title, with an * for a footnote giving title(s), full affiliation(s), and full address(es), including e-mail addresses.
- A summary (abstract) in English, of 200 words at most.
- Figures should be embedded in the text and be of high quality.
- Alphabetical list of references (bibliography) at the end with full details following APA style.
- Citation in the text: Downs (1987, p. 123) states '..........' (single marks for quotations).
Formatting Suggestions
- Footnote numbers should follow on throughout the manuscript. Footnotes should be indicated with a superscripted Arabic number
- Headings: Main headings and subheadings should be clearly numbered and distinguishable from each other (e.g. 1. Main Heading; 1.1. Subheading 1; 1.2. Subheading 2).
- Expressions foreign to the language of the article should be in italics.
- Equations to be numbered on the right-hand side, near the margin, (1), (2), etc.
- Please use as few abbreviations as possible.
- Carefully check all citations.
Data transparency
- A submission to Kyklos implies that materials described in the manuscript,
including all relevant raw data and codes, will be made available to any researcher for research and replication purposes,
without breaching participant confidentiality.
- Kyklos expects the authors of accepted papers to make the data and the main replication files publicly available.
Authors are expected to provide a short data availability statement in their manuscript
(see Wiley's template statements).
If for some reason you cannot provide data and replication files, please provide an explanation in the data availability statement why the data cannot be made available.
Kyklos Editorial Office:
Submit paper

John Wiley & Sons Inc.